
Docker anotations



To run Docker to development run the following command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /usr/app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/usr/app create-react-appd
Don't forget to run this following command before:
docker image build -t create-react-app . -f Dockerfile.dev
You don't need to have node__modules in your local machine!

Run tests with Docker

You must have already did the docker image build of the Dockerfile.dev, to do this following command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /usr/app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/usr/app create-react-app npm run test
If you want to have control when running the test, do this following command:
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v /usr/app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/usr/app create-react-app npm run test

Run with docker-compose

The following command will start the web app and in another service will start to run tests (not on watch mode 😥 ):
docker-compose up

Build then host on nginx

Should run: docker build . -t create-react-app-nginx
The run: docker run -p 8080:80 create-react-app-nginx